More Questions – Better Grades

About us

Classroom Winners is building the largest database of sample exam Questions and Answers in the world in order to give students a significant advantage when sitting exams. 

We source these Questions and Answers from a wide range of contributors, in the same way that Wikipedia sources the content on its pages from a wide range of contributors.  In the case of Classroom Winners, our contributors are expert teachers and top performing students.    

We believe that the best way for students to truly know if they understand a subject, and perform best in exams, is if they can answer lots of different questions on that subject – with the textbook closed! 

Therefore, every Subject in every Exam is broken down into each of the Topics that make up the content for the Subject.  So, in the case of Maths, for example, the questions have been broken down into Topics such as Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry, etc. 

To make it easy for Students to approach a Topic they know very little about, Students can begin with very simple questions to ensure they have a solid foundation before moving onto more advanced questions.  Every question in Classroom Winners has a grade from 1 to 10, based on the number of students who answered it correctly.  Students can therefore concentrate on answering all the easy questions on a topic before then moving on to the more difficult questions.  

Every question must be approved by 3 independent, expert moderators before it appears on the Classroom Winners website.  Teachers and students are welcome to submit their own questions and answers on a Topic.  On of the best ways for students to ensure they fully understand a topic is to prepare their own questions and answers on a Topic.          

Our database of questions will be exhaustive, meaning that it will contain questions on every possible topic that could come up in an exam. 


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